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Sandalwood Buddha Bracelet


8 in stock

Sandalwood Buddha Bracelet

These Sandalwood Bracelets are made from this sacred wood. They are excellent for staying present and alert during meditation. They resonate with ritual and spiritual practice, to transform desires, and bring emotional balance.

Sandalwood subdues irritability, promotes compassion and openness and enhances meditation. It is particularly good for stress relief.

It has long been used as a shield to drive away negativity, cleanse auric spaces and attract good luck, love and wealth.  It can be used for simple meditations or elaborate rituals.

Each bracelet is presented gift wrapped in an eco friendly cotton pouch with its full description.

8 in stock


Sandalwood Buddha Bracelet

Sandalwood is considered a very sacred wood used widely in prayer and meditation. It has many medicinal properties such as reducing stress, generating positivity and improving the over all well being of a person.

In India Sandalwood is given divine status and is thus very commonly used in mala beads and bracelets.

The Sandalwood tree is said to be one of the most pleasing to the Gods and is considered cooling, calming and soothing when worn as jewellery. Sandalwood also promotes humility and focuses the mind to aid in meditation.

These Sandalwood Bracelets are made from this sacred wood. They are excellent for staying present and alert during meditation. They resonate with ritual and spiritual practice, to transform desires, and bring emotional balance.

Sandalwood subdues irritability, promotes compassion and openness and enhances meditation. It is particularly good for stress relief.

It has long been used as a shield to drive away negativity, cleanse auric spaces and attract good luck, love and wealth.  It can be used for simple meditations or elaborate rituals.

This Sandalwood Buddha Bracelet is made from 23 Sandalwood beads and a metal Buddha charm.

A Buddha head symbolises the wearers path to enlightenment and quest for wisdom and knowledge.

In life, the truth which the Buddhist sees when he looks around him is the truth of cause and effect. Every action, no matter how insignificant, produces an effect; every effect in its turn becomes a cause and produces still further effects. Every action produces an effect; it is cause first and effect afterward. We therefore speak of karma as “the law of cause and effect.” The understanding of karma gives us power. So the more we make the doctrine of karma a part of our lives, the more power we gain, not only to direct our future, but also to help our fellow beings more effectively.

When wearing your bracelet for meditation purposes, spend five minutes breathing deeply into your lungs, so that your belly rises with each inhale and falls with each exhale. As you inhale, feel the air restoring and refreshing and renewing your body and energy field. As you exhale, feel your body and field being cleared of unwanted and negative energy, and anything that doesn’t serve you anymore. Out with the old, in with the new.

The metal Buddha Charm is nickel free.

Wooden Bead Size: 10mm / 1cm

Sandalwood Buddha Bracelet – Each bracelet is presented gift wrapped in an eco friendly cotton pouch with its full description.






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