Incredible First Month of Business 

July 20th 2016 was a hugely significant day.  A rare cosmic event occurred – the Summer Solstice coincided with a Full Month.  This will not happen again perhaps in our lifetime.  It also marked the launch of my online shop Spiritual Gifts Ireland. 

The past month has been blessed with countless smiles, priceless reviews and meeting incredible people – you my customers.

Whether you liked my page, shared a post or purchased items from the store – I want to say a big thank you for having you here. 

Without you I would have no story to tell.  Without you there would be no Spiritual Gifts Ireland.  So THANK YOU to everyone who stopped by my Website, Etsy, Tumblr, Pinterest, Twitter, Google+, Instagram and Facebook. I have truly appreciated your presence.  Your time and attention is precious, and I am both grateful and humbled that you choose to spend some with us.   You have all played a major part in helping to build 

So thank you for joining me on this journey, and I hope you’ll continue with us on this adventure.☀

Most of all “Thank you” for trusting me with your purchases of gemstones, crystals and spiritual gifts.

Love and a million blessings for an incredible first month of business  
