Incredible First Month of Business
July 20th 2016 was a hugely significant day. A rare cosmic event occurred – the Summer Solstice coincided with a Full Month. This will not happen again perhaps in our lifetime. It also marked the launch of my online shop Spiritual Gifts Ireland.
The past month has been blessed with countless smiles, priceless reviews and meeting incredible people – you my customers.
Whether you liked my page, shared a post or purchased items from the store – I want to say a big thank you for having you here.
Without you I would have no story to tell. Without you there would be no Spiritual Gifts Ireland. So THANK YOU to everyone who stopped by my Website, Etsy, Tumblr, Pinterest, Twitter, Google+, Instagram and Facebook. I have truly appreciated your presence. Your time and attention is precious, and I am both grateful and humbled that you choose to spend some with us. You have all played a major part in helping to build
So thank you for joining me on this journey, and I hope you’ll continue with us on this adventure.
Most of all “Thank you” for trusting me with your purchases of gemstones, crystals and spiritual gifts.
Love and a million blessings for an incredible first month of business