Dreamcatcher 5 Ring Large Black
This Dreamcatcher is handmade with 5 strong rings, black faux suede, vegan feathers and brown wooden beads.
Beautifully woven to add some bohemian magic to your sacred space.
The colours were specially chosen to create a rustic feel. Its packed with feathers to make a very full and solid Dreamcatcher.
The Dreamcatcher is a Native American talisman which according to the legends protects the sleeper and his dreams from evil spirits. Native ancestors believe the night air is filled with both good and bad dreams. The dreamcatcher web filters out all bad dreams, allowing only good thoughts to enter the mind of the ‘sleeping-one’. The good spirit dreams float down the sacred feathers into the psyche of the dreamer while the bad spirit dreams are held in the center web and disappear in the first light of morning.
In reality when you are distressed, it is difficult to have good dreams or sleep soundly throughout the night. This is why dreamcatchers are important. Using and believing in your Dreamcatcher can settle your mind and help you sleep with peace in your heart.
Dreamcatchers are also a great addition to place over your sacred mediation space to help you remember messages and visions from the higher spirit. Similarly they are believed to bless the individual with good luck and harmony throughout their lives.
When placed in certain parts of your home such as your entry way or window, they serve as a powerful protective talisman. The main job of the Dreamcatcher is protection. Good and bad energy lingers in the air and certain situations that occur in everyday life can cause this energy to stagnate. The gentle movement of the feathers acts to move and cleanse the air around our home.
Vegan feathers
Large ring size: 8.5 inches x 8.5 inches
Medium ring size x 3: 3.5 inches x 3.5 inches
Small ring size: 2 inches x 2 inches
Total length including hanging cord: 31 inches
Dreamcatcher 5 Ring Large Black – Gift wrapped with a full description of the meaning of Dreamcatchers.
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