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Reinventing Yourself

Reinventing Yourself  Every year, always around New Years many of us start thinking about our New Year’s resolutions.  We often see it as a fresh start or a launch pad to get rid of bad habits or pick up positive new ones. Any time can be a launch pad. So whether you need to lose [...]

Reinventing Yourself 2017 Quick Easy Tips

Reinventing Yourself 2017 Quick Easy Tips Every year, around this time, many of us start thinking about our New Year’s resolutions.  We often see it as a fresh start or a launch pad to get rid of bad habits or pick up positive new ones. So whether you need to lose weight, spend less money, [...]

Recognise Archangel Raphael Signs

Recognise Archangel Raphael Signs Archangel Raphael is known as the supreme healer in the angelic realm. He is always present ready to heal and comfort you in any way he can. Raphael’s colour is emerald green and the gemstones associated with him are emerald and malachite and peridot. Click Here For Handcrafted Malachite Bracelet Sterling [...]

Wearing Chakra Healing Jewellery

Wearing Chakra Healing Jewellery For many of us jewellery is a lifelong love.  Addiction or a staple diet, we cannot exist without them.  Nothing can add the wow factor to your wardrobe like jewellery can.  But besides this obvious role the benefits of jewellery go far beyond fashion. Jewellery creates a feel good factor.  From [...]

Eliminate Static Electricity in your Home

Eliminate Static Electricity in your Home I’m wondering how many of you all have just lately started to suffer with any of the following: Headache and migraine, fatigue but still have problems sleeping, increased irritability and aggressiveness, anxiety, feeling a bit down and finally the feeling that your circulation has gone sluggish, water retention and [...]


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