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Tigers Eye Bracelet Guardian Angel


2 in stock

Tigers Eye Bracelet Guardian Angel

Be brave and confident at everything you do when you channel the energy of Tigers Eye crystal, which is the ultimate protector in the world of gemstones!

With Tigers Eye stone as your personal protector, harness the strength of a tiger and face the world with a mighty roar!

Angels are divine messengers sent to help us on our Spiritual journey, they are gifts from God. Guardian Angels are assigned to guide and protect you.  They are always around you, listening to your innermost thoughts.  Don’t be afraid to ask for even the smallest favour. You were created in divine light and deserve love and miraculous blessings.

This bracelet is presented gift wrapped in an eco friendly cotton pouch with its full description, plus a description on how to use crystals for well being.

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2 in stock


Tigers Eye Bracelet Guardian Angel

If you feel drawn to this Tigers Eye Bracelet you may be going through a period of transition.

Situations may be threatening your well being, and your natural instinct is heightened to draw your attention to important signs and feelings. Stay strong and focus yourself so that you have the courage to face whatever it is head on.

Tigers are creatures of the ground, independent and secure in themselves.  They are in tune with the natural rhythms of the earth and their own intuition so that they can act fast when needed. Tiger’s represent strength, courage and determination.  They travel unmarked paths by instinct and no obstacle is too big to overcome.

They are land animals drawing their vitality and health from the earth’s core.  You too must also pay attention to where you get your nourishment from.  Its ok to take time out to recharge and gather your thoughts.  Tigers have hidden dens where they do just that.  Create your sacred space, plan your next move but stay grounded and mindful of the steps you take.  You can do this.

Be brave and confident at everything you do when you channel the energy of Tigers Eye crystal, which is the ultimate protector in the world of gemstones!

With Tigers Eye stone as your personal protector, harness the strength of a tiger and face the world with a mighty roar!

Angels are divine messengers sent to help us on our Spiritual journey, they are gifts from God.

A Guardian Angel bracelet is designed to guide and protect you.

They are always around you, listening to your innermost thoughts.  Don’t be afraid to ask for even the smallest favour. Often it is the little stresses that grow to major issues. Our Angelic friends help to restore your happiness, health, peace and abundance.  Anyone can tune in to their messages.  You were created in divine light and deserve love and miraculous blessings.

Many people around the world are seeing Angel signs that appear during unexpected events in their lives. These signs bring hope and comfort when people feel alone and disconnected, or when they need encouragement. For this reason, know that when you see an angel sign, you are being helped and assisted by spiritual beings, like spirit guides and angels, from higher realms.

This bracelet features 12 large 10mm Tigers Eye Crystals

The jewellery wire is strong stretch elastic.

The metal spacers and silver Angel are nickel free.

Bracelet length 7 inches (unstretched length)

Tigers Eye Bracelet Guardian Angel – This bracelet is presented gift wrapped in an eco friendly cotton pouch with its full description, plus a description on how to use crystals for well being.

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Black Faux Leather Strap, Glass Face


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