Rose Quartz Necklace Healing Hands
Our unique Rose Quartz Healing Hands Làmha Pendant Necklace is perfect for Healers, Reiki practitioners and those of you needing a healing touch. Làmha comes from the ancient Gaelic Irish language meaning hands. Laying hands on the sick was a common practice in the Early Church. Jesus often laid hands on people before healing them. These pendants serve as much more than just a necklace. For thousands of years crystals have been used to release spiritual, mental and physical blockages from our bodies. Hands carry a similar divine vibration and frequency. Wearing this unique piece facilitates the awakening of your own inner healing. It provides balance and strengthens your thoughts and intentions to harness a positive physical, mental and emotional state. Mind and body are so closely linked that improving your psychological state can greatly improve your physical state.
Rose Quartz is a stone of unconditional love that opens the Heart Chakra to all forms of love: self-love, family love, platonic love and romantic love. Healing the Heart Chakra has a positive effect on the Circulatory and Lymphatic System. It is also supportive of the female reproductive system, increasing fertility and lowering postpartum depression. Rose Quartz lowers stress, brings peace and balances emotions making this the perfect necklace to enhance positive self-healing.
Pendant size: 28mm x 20mm.
Rose Quartz Necklace Healing Hands Comes with a solid Sterling Silver chain, full crystal description and gift bag.